Thursday, February 12, 2015

The Future depends on it: Learning through Technology!

As we live in the technological century, we use high-tech tools as smart phones and computers almost everyday.  Have you ever thought about using these tools in schools? Exactly how technologies improve education smartly?

This video The Future Starts Now - 2012 edition talks about how to improve education better by introducing ICT, information and communication technology, to schools. It takes Norway as an example. Norway is a country that relies on oil which is said to be gone by 2030 after which people would be living off knowledge. However students can hardly be motivated to study just by the thought of rescuing the nation. While ICT can make school more relevant and motivating to students, there will be less dropping out of school and naturally creating a knowledge-base community. ICT provides students with multiple ways of study. Instead of reading a book, seeing an animate picture like a DNA molecule will actually help students visualize the knowledge and understand what they are learning.

This video gets me thinking how we can improve education better by using high technology. Teacher is the one that stay closest to students. Though ICT has become the 5th basic skill in school curriculums, more support is still in need, for example teachers' push. What we do in class will make a huge difference. We as teachers have the responsibility to improve the students' motivation.

One interesting thing about this video is that there are drawings appear synchronously with narration which makes it more understandable and entertaining as well as attractive.

There is another video A Vision of 21st Century Teachers 2010 that provides us many possibilities that students can have with the help of 21st century teachers. By using new technologies, study becomes more effective. Students can access to the knowledge with more resources and get involved in a global community. Multimedia bring in different learning styles.

Find out more about how technology change future learning!


  1. I did not watch the same videos of you but I think a common theme amongst both of our topics is the lack of motivation that students are facing in the classroom. How is anyone to be expected to learn when they feel as though there is no reason to, or even what are they personally going to get out of it?

  2. This video is awesome! and as we can see now, there are a lot of technologies in our circumstances! so I think teachers need to think about it and control these technologies for our education, but not be controlled!!

  3. I also watched this video clip "The Future Starts Now - 2012 edition". This video clip proposed the somewhat rosy outlook for teachers but I feel much vague to broaden this idea. You can check my thought about this video clip on my blog. ^^ But I also agree with your opinion! Not watching another video clip "A Vision of 21st Century Teachers 2010", your post could be very helpful for me to get idea about it. Thank you!!^^

  4. I also watched these two videos you posted and they are really inspiring. I was impressed by the imagination of the maker who can make drawings appear synchronously with narration which makes the video more vivid,understandable and attractive. The question you are thinking "how we can improve education better by using high technology also puzzles me.Fortunately, we can get some ideas from these videos and learn some strategies from this class. I think we have a long way to go.

  5. I watched both the same videos as you. While I agree with your take on ICT in the class room. My take on the video "The Future Starts now" is that I am unsure of how well it will work out. A couple years after i graduated from my high school they integrated a lot of new tech so I was not able to experience it. One thing I worry about is that the students are better with the technology then the teachers are, allowing them to use it not the way it was intended.

  6. I liked your idea about "push." Both teachers and students sometimes need a push to try out new technologies. Teachers can keep up to date by networking with others and students can be encouraged to do projects that incorporate the new technologies. That way everyone learns.
